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The Righteous Way Trilogy Set


The Righteous Way Trilogy Set includes all 3 editions of The Righteous Way. If you have read The Righteous Way (Part 1), and the Golden Jubilee Edition (Part 2 ), the Infinity Edition (Part 3) completes The Righteous Way trilogy. This trilogy shows how: 1. Knowledge is infinite, 2. Wisdom must be applied right and exact, and 3. Our potential power is infinite. The trilogy, when studied holistically, helps readers to understand the moral and ethical benefits of applying Knowledge of Self.

The Infinity Edition


The Righteous Way: Infinity Edition, empowers readers by showing them how to tap into their infinite potential. It delves further into the Knowledge of Self by discussing the limitations and powers of the mind. The Infinity Edition provides a basic framework for readers to take charge of their destiny by finding their purpose and becoming their own master. But the jewels in this book don’t stop there.


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The Righteous Way: Infinity Edition eBook


The Righteous Way: Infinity Edition, aims to empower readers by showing them how to tap into their infinite potential. It delves further into the Knowledge of Self by discussing the limitations and powers of the mind. It provides a basic framework for readers to take charge of their destiny by finding their purpose and becoming their own master. But the jewels in this book don’t stop there.